[Update after the gig]: What a fantastic event! (I did the gig in Swedish, but keep my words here in English). A wonderful group of people from a wide range of fund raising organizations. Now on the train (X2000 with WiFi) I have uploaded my slides (pdf). For your convenience here are some of the more useful links: The FiR interview with Ike Pigott at the American Red Cross; the Overbrook report on how funding organizations approach social media and Web 2.0; Frogloops analysis of the Causes application in Facebook; and an excerpt about Motives in customer and user groups (pdf) from Anders Lundkvists dissertation. During the conversations afterwards I learned about Unicef Norways really interesting Lenka, more about that in un upcoming post.

I am not sure about the language for this gig, so here is mix of English and Norwegian. DnB NOR Bank er norges største finanskonsern og har et betydelig antall humanitære og ideelle organisasjoner, foreninger, stiftelser m.m. blant sine kunder. For de større aktørene i dette markedssegmentet arrangerer  banken et Organisasjonsseminar til København hvert år med god oppslutning fra sentrale ledere og ressurspersoner i de fleste større humanitære og ideelle organisasjoner i Norge. Seminaret har tradisjonelt dekket temaer innenfor områdene ledelse, strategi, kommunikasjon og inntektsskapende virksomhet og temaene skreddersys for å dekke organisasjonenes behov. Blant temaer som vi ønsker å sette fokus på er kommunikasjon med ”morgendagens givere”. Eksempelvis Hva trigger morgendagens givere? Hvordan henvende seg til morgendagens givere? Hvordan kommunisere med morgendagens givere?

English summary. DnB NOR Bank, the largets financial group in Norway, invites on a personal basis leaders of humanitarian and non-profit organizations to a yearly seminar about leadership, strategy, and communication. The focus this year is ”tomorrows donators”.

My gig will take place on the evening of September 20, at the M.S. Pearl of Scandinavia. For the moment the exact content of my inspiration is not determined, but it will of course be around social media and Web 2.0 in the context of the theme of the seminar. I have been asked to talk for about 45 minutes plus a Q&A session. Of course I am really looking forward to this engagement (and how the Internet connection will be solved :-)